Now showing circuits 21-40 of 46. Sort by
Negative Voltage Regulator w/ LM317 PUBLICUsing LM317 to create a negative voltage power supply. by hondabones | updated April 01, 2013 dc lm317 negative positive power-supply regulator supply voltage |
Dual Voltage Regulator w/LM317 ONLY PUBLICUsing LM317 for both positive and negative voltage regulation. by hondabones | updated April 01, 2013 dc dual lm317 positive power-supply regulator supply voltage |
Series LM317 PUBLICCreate HV Variable DC Supply using LM317. by hondabones | updated March 28, 2013 |
Positive DC Variable Supply PUBLICPositive DC Variable Power Supply 1.2 volts to 41.2 volts. by hondabones | updated March 28, 2013 |
Dual Voltage DC Variable Adjust to Zero Volts Supply PUBLICDual Voltage DC Power Supply with circuitry to allow the adjustment to overcome the minimum 1.2 volts of the LM317 and LM337. by hondabones | updated March 28, 2013 |
Arduino 9v power supply PUBLICby bkslsh | updated March 18, 2013 |
Driving 24v relay by 220v supply without a transformer PUBLICA circuit for 24v power supply without a transformer, the output voltage depends on relay resistnce, capacitors and R3. by tager | updated March 13, 2013 |
120VAC to 12VDC Power Supply PUBLICby samyules | updated March 01, 2013 |
Cap Dropper Power Supply PUBLICA simple Capacitor dropper power supply. 24V output. by dsquared | updated February 13, 2013 |
Model of Lab's Power Supply PUBLICIt may not be pretty, but this is a basic model of the fixed PSU used in-lab. by stashcraft | updated January 21, 2013 |
3-trins forstærker - Trin 1 PUBLICby DanielPaulsen | updated November 29, 2012 |
F.ALIM. 1.2 A 24V PPO PUBLICby sercotv | updated November 25, 2012 |
SMPS1 PUBLICA basic switching mode power supply designed based on Dave Jones' EEVblog#90 at Please feel free to add comments on improvements I should make. by alphaOri | updated November 17, 2012 |
Second Solution PUBLIC48v motor w/ 24v solar/wind charging system. by Optionparty | updated September 20, 2012 |
Alimentatore Stabilizzato Variabile con LM317 PUBLICby tommaso.michelutti | updated August 30, 2012 |
Conversor Boost PUBLICby felipe.n.martins | updated August 19, 2012 |
P-MOSFET Buck Converter (Switching Power Supply) closed loop 01 PUBLICBasic closed loop 12V to 3V Voltage Mode Buck (step down) converter. Simulate > Time Domain > Run Time-Domain Simulation by signality | updated August 03, 2012 buck-converter power-supply smps step-down-converter switching voltage-mode |
P-MOSFET Buck Converter (Switching Power Supply) PUBLICA simple buck converter model that simulates. by mrobbins | updated August 02, 2012 |
opamp supply pins 01 PUBLICThe supply pins on CL opamps are not polarity sensitive. You can set either supply pin to any voltage and the other to any other voltage and the model will correctly pick up which is the highest... by signality | updated July 03, 2012 |
Power supply PUBLICby jhonalvez | updated May 15, 2012 |
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