Now showing circuits 1-20 of 64. Sort by
ECE 3122 Winter 2021 Lab 5 Wien-bridge oscillator PUBLICby petersen | updated March 22, 2021 |
Practical Wien Oscillator PUBLICI built this Wien Oscillator in my lab with two 2N3904 transistors and it works. With an 11.0V supply, it generates a sinewave signal with a peak-to-peak output of 0.18V at a frequency of 1333 Hz. By... by davidtro | updated February 19, 2021 |
Ramp Generator PUBLICThis is a ramp generator I built of physical components and it works fine, generating a sawtooth signal at 50.2 Hz. But in CircuitLab it does nothing. Any idea why? by davidtro | updated February 19, 2021 |
Oscillator Equiv. Circuit PUBLICby Starblazar | updated September 15, 2020 |
555 Timer as Astable Multivibrator (Oscillator) PUBLICA 555 timer can be used with a few resistors and a capacitor to make an oscillator, switching states as the capacitor charges and discharges. by CircuitLab | updated June 07, 2017 |
Wein-Bridge Oscillator PUBLICby Jtribble | updated April 10, 2016 |
Op-Amp Oscillator PUBLICA simple op-amp circuit for generating square(-ish) waves by drhawley | updated April 08, 2016 astable-multivibrator op-amp oscillator relaxation-oscillator |
square-wave-generator, redrawn PUBLICEssentially the same oscillator / astable multivibrator circuit as before, just built a little differently by drhawley | updated April 07, 2016 |
7555-Astable-VCO PUBLICarduino controllable 7555 astable oscillator. by langsound | updated March 19, 2015 |
variable-hz-7555 PUBLIC7555 astable oscillator. make tones not war. by langsound | updated March 11, 2015 |
Relay PUBLICA simple relay circuit hooked up to a oscillator. by rdaviselec | updated February 23, 2015 |
Oscillateur Ondes Triangulaires PUBLICby patrick.laurin.3 | updated August 08, 2014 |
Oscillateur Ondes Carrées PUBLICby patrick.laurin.3 | updated August 08, 2014 |
Prototype CW Transmitter PUBLICby nathanpc | updated May 25, 2014 |
Successful oscillator. PUBLICby lanbergld | updated December 26, 2013 |
MAX038 Function Generator PUBLICby FalloutBe | updated December 16, 2013 |
Simple Ramp/Pulse VCO PUBLICby legoboy468 | updated July 26, 2013 |
Wacky Sound Mod PUBLICModification of Ray Wilson's Wacky Sound Generator. Combines this and the PWM guitar effect. by legoboy468 | updated June 26, 2013 music oscillator pwm schmitt-trigger sound synthesizer wierd |
Oscilador com ponte de Wien PUBLICby FLara | updated June 22, 2013 |
twin-T with trigger PUBLICA shell resonance drum oscillator for toms, bongos, bass drum and such. It works on breadboard though I used an arduino instead of the 555 to send pulses (0.1 sec) and a TL072 instead of the LM741.... by alkopop79 | updated May 09, 2013 |
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