Now showing circuits 1-20 of 27. Sort by
Input Scaler PUBLICby eedoug | updated May 23, 2023 |
OpAmp Voltage Reference PUBLICSimple voltage reference from 50VDC input. by eedoug | updated May 12, 2023 |
two_sided_clipper PUBLICClips high amperage AC current, both sides of waveform, using zener diodes and a P and N channel MOSFET by gsorter | updated August 31, 2022 |
voltage_regulator-zener-base_to_gnd PUBLICby hkienle | updated March 19, 2022 |
voltage_regulator-zener-2_bjt PUBLICby hkienle | updated March 19, 2022 |
aoe-fig-02-022 PUBLICby hkienle | updated January 21, 2022 aoe emitter-follower low-pass passive-filter voltage-regulator zener-diode |
Variable voltage regulator with 10-turn 10K pot PUBLICA basic variable voltage power supply tuned for a 10-turn 10K linear pot. by dhaans | updated May 17, 2020 |
0-10V Control Signal PUBLICCircuit to provide a user adjustable 0-10V DC control signal, for an LED light dimmer, from a 24V DC supply. by StageTech | updated June 12, 2019 |
Voltage Regulator using BJTs PUBLICby mk5734 | updated April 10, 2019 |
Voltage Regulator PUBLICby mk5734 | updated November 14, 2018 |
eScooter - 36V Custom Voltage Regulator PUBLICA basic circuit design for a custom voltage regulator to step down a 36V DC battery to 9V for output. by cxshermansg | updated October 22, 2017 |
Zener diode voltage reference PUBLICA Zener diode provides controlled reverse breakdown, and can act as a fixed voltage reference. by CircuitLab | updated June 08, 2017 |
7805 & Wall-wart Experiencing Voltage Drop-out PUBLICA 7805 linear voltage regulator can't quite maintain its output voltage. Can you fix it? by CircuitLab | updated June 07, 2017 |
Regulador de tensión PUBLICRegula tensión continua de 4 a 9 Vcc, a través del potenciómetro R5, con entrada de 10 Vcc. 1 A. by JCUrchulutegui | updated March 06, 2016 |
Low Dropout 5v Regulator PUBLIChi - I'm new here & have found a circuit that might work for me but using the simulator maybe it won't. input voltage varies constantly between between 0v - 10vdc & i want to get a regulated 5vDc. I... by Lenlen | updated June 06, 2015 |
LM78XX Series DC Voltage Regulator Circuit PUBLICby Brodtd | updated April 25, 2013 |
Zener Diode Regulated Rectified DC Voltage PUBLICby Brodtd | updated April 25, 2013 |
Caricatore USB Ipod Iphone PUBLICby tommaso.michelutti | updated March 26, 2013 |
LM317 test cct 01 PUBLICLoad regulation of standard CL LM317 & LM137 models is poor. Simulate > DC Sweep > Run DC Sweep Simulate > Time Domain > Run Time-Domain Simulation by signality | updated November 12, 2012 |
MOSFET Regulator PUBLICZero drop out FET regulator with lead resistance compensation ("negative resistance"). Working simulation. by paulmz | updated October 17, 2012 |
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