Now showing circuits 1-20 of 28. Sort by
1st Order State Variable Filter PUBLICBasic Op-Amp based state-variable filter with cutoff at 1592 Hz, High-Pass and Low-Pass outputs. by OakBloodThree | updated February 10, 2022 |
RC Low-Pass filter PUBLICby hevans | updated July 07, 2020 |
BJT audio amplifier PUBLICA one-transistor amplifier, intended to amplify audio picked up by a piezoelectric transducer. by CircuitLab | updated June 07, 2017 amplifier audio bjt filter frequency-domain high-pass low-pass |
Bass Boost Feedback Network of CMoyBB PUBLICBass Boost Feedback Network of CMoyBB. This is a high-pass shelf filter that is used in the negative feedback loop. by mnaganov | updated December 04, 2016 |
RC_lowpass_AC_Domain PUBLICVery basic simulation of a low pass RC filter in the AC domain. by nliebeaux | updated February 12, 2016 |
Coloured Noise PUBLICFilters for converting a white noise source into Pink, Brown and Violet noise from 10Hz to 1MHz. by stuart.coyle | updated October 02, 2015 |
Filtro de audio de baja frecuencia (LMF) PUBLICby qsaldana | updated April 17, 2015 |
phase shift delay PUBLICA circuit to delay the phase of the incoming AC signal. Several of these modules can be used as a phaser effect. by alkopop79 | updated January 13, 2014 |
Multilevel inverter signal and filtering effect PUBLICA multilevel inverter signal, a sinusoidal-like source composed of piecewise step voltage segments, is defined using the new CSV voltage source. Simple filtering of the multi-level steps is examined... by mrobbins | updated September 30, 2013 |
Fliege Filter with a virtual ground - Narrow band filter PUBLICby shubhamgandhi | updated September 11, 2013 |
Unnamed Circuit PUBLICتجربة by ahawsa | updated July 08, 2013 |
Sallen-Key filter PUBLICSallen-Key filter by alkopop79 | updated April 24, 2013 |
Big Muff Pi Passive Tone Control PUBLICThis is the Passive Tone control for the Big Muff Pi Fuzz Pedal. See: by kylefesy | updated April 16, 2013 |
Filtro pasa bajos PUBLICby miguelangelcasanova | updated April 10, 2013 |
Audio Amplifier Output PUBLICThis output circuit is for TDA2003 audio amplifier. Circuit is from datasheet. -3dB points are 21.28 Hz and 1.585 MHz? by kjuurikka | updated March 10, 2013 |
Active band pass filter based on LM358 PUBLICActive Band Pass Filter using LM 358. by electronut | updated March 07, 2013 |
Active Band Pass PUBLICby stashcraft | updated January 24, 2013 |
Active Bessel Filter PUBLICSecond order filter of the Bessel variety. by stashcraft | updated January 24, 2013 |
Low Pass filter PUBLICDesign of a Low Pass Filter using R and C passive elements by dx1984 | updated December 27, 2012 |
Low Pass Filter PUBLICLow pass filter using R and L passive elements. by dx1984 | updated December 27, 2012 |
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