Now showing circuits 1-14 of 14. Sort by
MOSFET switching inductive loads PUBLICA n-channel MOSFET switches an inductive load, both with and without a diode to catch the voltage spike. by CircuitLab | updated June 08, 2017 |
IR Tachometer PUBLICInfrared tachometer used to measure fan speed by providing an interrupt to an Arduino. The goal is to synchronize two fans. by RBClarke | updated March 10, 2016 |
Motor_Drive PUBLICCircuit to drive low power DC motor (indicated with an M). In reality the circuit draws too much current from the digital pot meter (which becomes very hot and stops to work properly). by Circuit_Sandbox | updated December 29, 2012 |
motor and temp sensor arduino PUBLICby MrPickle | updated December 14, 2012 |
PWM Motor Control PUBLICby Phozz | updated July 19, 2012 |
3 Phase Oscilator Motor Driver PUBLICby jhonalvez | updated May 18, 2012 |
Copy of danielfiction`s 555 motor controller (high motor current) PUBLICby jhonalvez | updated May 18, 2012 |
hs-hbridge PUBLICThis is a 24 Voltage h-bridge motor controller, it performs high speed switching(maybe high) for PWM controlling and within dead zone protection.... by sean_robot | updated May 14, 2012 |
servo amp 2 PUBLICAn extension of servo amp 1. Note dead zone insures no "shoot through" or "cross conduction". For bi-directional motor drive or thermoelectric cooler drive. by anubi | updated March 22, 2012 |
servo amp 1 PUBLICDrives high power loads with small control voltage. Note "dead zone" near zero. This is to eliminate "shoot thru" and guarantee both transistors can not on simultaneously. Not recommended for audio... by anubi | updated March 22, 2012 |
Motor Driver using MOSFETs PUBLICby hevans | updated March 08, 2012 |
555 motor controller PUBLIC555 oscillator easy motor control. not so stable. very effective. by danielfiction | updated March 02, 2012 555 555-motor-controller astable bjt cheap dfiction econo flyback-diode motor pwm |
Copy of danielfiction's 555 motor controller ($0.50!) PUBLICBuild a PWM motor controller for $0.50! Based on danielfiction's circuit (link inside). by mrobbins | updated March 01, 2012 |
H-bridge PUBLICby mrobbins | updated February 04, 2012 |
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