Now showing circuits 1-14 of 14. Sort by
Flickering light dimmer PUBLICby ikatkov | updated December 27, 2020 |
LM317 Advanced DC Supply PUBLICby rocket859 | updated March 04, 2014 |
Coherent Visible Laser Module Driver PUBLICThis is an adjustable voltage regulator for a Coherent Visible Laser Module. I've put a 1.2 k resistor across a 10 turn pot and this, together with my resistor choices should provide a maximum voltage... by PaulNakroshis | updated January 27, 2014 adjustable coherent-laser-diode driver lm317 ripple-rejection |
LM317 Fan Speed Controller PUBLICHere is a simple speed controller for a soldering fan. Input is around 12 V DC from a solar-charged gel cell, output is an old PC fan, 12 V DC, .30 A by pgbowers | updated July 16, 2013 |
Variable DC Power Supply PUBLICThis is an attempt at a possible circuit for a Variable DC Power Supply by jjdans | updated July 14, 2013 |
220VAC- DC 1.2-28V LM317 PUBLICby juanes.pazj | updated May 20, 2013 |
Negative Voltage Regulator w/ LM317 PUBLICUsing LM317 to create a negative voltage power supply. by hondabones | updated April 01, 2013 dc lm317 negative positive power-supply regulator supply voltage |
Dual Voltage Regulator w/LM317 ONLY PUBLICUsing LM317 for both positive and negative voltage regulation. by hondabones | updated April 01, 2013 dc dual lm317 positive power-supply regulator supply voltage |
Test: LM 317 voltage regulator PUBLICCL’s LM317 adjustable regulator seems to be bad - but is it? How to find “realistic” values for R_O and R_ADJ? Also see @signality’s LM317 test cct 01. by Sancho_P | updated December 02, 2012 |
Test: LM317 current source PUBLICLM317 used as current stabilizer in a test environment to find settings and limits. by Sancho_P | updated December 02, 2012 |
LM317 test cct 01 PUBLICLoad regulation of standard CL LM317 & LM137 models is poor. Simulate > DC Sweep > Run DC Sweep Simulate > Time Domain > Run Time-Domain Simulation by signality | updated November 12, 2012 |
Bicycle-Electric 12V/5V for hub-dynamo PUBLICThis is a little project for a bicycle electric with LED Lights. The used lamp is an AXA Luxx70 which has its optimal operation point at 7.0V. Below 7.0V the lamp lights in "steady-light" mode at... by ronnsn | updated November 10, 2012 |
Alimentatore Stabilizzato Variabile con LM317 PUBLICby tommaso.michelutti | updated August 30, 2012 |
1 PUBLICby cim | updated March 06, 2012 |
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