Now showing circuits 1-7 of 7. Sort by
Dual Supply Reverse Polarity Protection PUBLICby Janvier | updated June 04, 2014 analog dual-supply mosfet power protection reverse-polarity supply |
Single to dual power supply PUBLICThis is a circuit that converts a single supply to a double supply without using a centre tapped transformer. by shagas | updated May 15, 2013 dual dual-power-supply op-amp power power-supply supply transistor |
Negative Voltage Regulator w/ LM317 PUBLICUsing LM317 to create a negative voltage power supply. by hondabones | updated April 01, 2013 dc lm317 negative positive power-supply regulator supply voltage |
Dual Voltage Regulator w/LM317 ONLY PUBLICUsing LM317 for both positive and negative voltage regulation. by hondabones | updated April 01, 2013 dc dual lm317 positive power-supply regulator supply voltage |
Series LM317 PUBLICCreate HV Variable DC Supply using LM317. by hondabones | updated March 28, 2013 |
Positive DC Variable Supply PUBLICPositive DC Variable Power Supply 1.2 volts to 41.2 volts. by hondabones | updated March 28, 2013 |
Dual Voltage DC Variable Adjust to Zero Volts Supply PUBLICDual Voltage DC Power Supply with circuitry to allow the adjustment to overcome the minimum 1.2 volts of the LM317 and LM337. by hondabones | updated March 28, 2013 |
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