Now showing circuits 1-6 of 6. Sort by
Servo Controller PUBLICSimple circuit to control servo motor with a potentiometer. by solderspot | updated December 11, 2013 |
Arduino Fusball PUBLICSmall circuit representing an electronic fusball table controlled by an Arduino Uno. by cgwieduwilt | updated November 21, 2013 |
Close loop servomotor PUBLICA simple self close loop servomotor, for Rc model or headlight range adjustment or other simple application. You can use the L2722 (power operational amplifier) for drive load up to 1A of power... by AndreaNew | updated October 04, 2012 cloose-loop comparator feedback op-amp positioning rc servo servo-motor |
555 servo controller PUBLICA 4 servo controller by sofiadragon1979 | updated July 17, 2012 |
servo amp 2 PUBLICAn extension of servo amp 1. Note dead zone insures no "shoot through" or "cross conduction". For bi-directional motor drive or thermoelectric cooler drive. by anubi | updated March 22, 2012 |
servo amp 1 PUBLICDrives high power loads with small control voltage. Note "dead zone" near zero. This is to eliminate "shoot thru" and guarantee both transistors can not on simultaneously. Not recommended for audio... by anubi | updated March 22, 2012 |
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