Now showing circuits 1-4 of 4. Sort by
SP-324/325 Raised Cathode 7-segment display PUBLICby marnus | updated May 03, 2013 |
Light Sensitive Counter Circuit PUBLICA possibly complete light sensitive counting circuit with 3 digits making use of 311, 7414, 7490, and 7447 ICs and 7-segment displays. by lucasmoten | updated May 15, 2012 311 7-segment-display 7414 7447 7490 de-bounce digital led phototransitor schmitt-trigger |
Common Anode - 7 Segment Display PUBLICA basic diagram of a common anode 7-segment-display representing that all LEDs are powered by common voltage in. by lucasmoten | updated March 27, 2012 |
Common Cathode - 7 Segment Display PUBLICA basic diagram of a common cathode 7-segment-display representing that all LEDs lead to ground. Resistors should typically be added between power and input pins. by lucasmoten | updated March 27, 2012 |
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