Export Plot Images to PNG

May 16 2012, 1:00 PM PDT · 2 comments »

We've just finished rolling out a new feature that will make it easier to save and share the resulting plots of your CircuitLab simulations. It's now possible to export a PNG image of your plots directly within your browser, without having to take a screenshot. Simply click on the new "Export Plot Images" link at the top of the plots window.

Export Plot Image

This will open a new tab with all the current plots exported as PNGs. You can then right click and save the plots you want to keep, or use your browser to print them all out. Combined with our Advanced Graphing, we think these improvements make CircuitLab one of the easiest ways to get simulation results from our DC Sweep, Time Domain, or Frequency Domain modes plotted for inclusion on websites, forums, lab reports, or project documentation.

Here's an example plot image from @signality's Guitar Tone Stack 01 circuit:


Awesome Thank you very much for this feature. helped a lot !!!!

by Leirbag
May 18, 2012

Any plans for vector export (eps/svg/pdf/etc)? When the png of a large graph is reduced in size to fit on a typical Letter-sized paper (as part of a report), the axis numbers become quite small and basically unreadable. With say an svg file we can quickly adjust the font size.

by lyxicon
January 27, 2015

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CircuitLab is an in-browser schematic capture and circuit simulation software tool to help you rapidly design and analyze analog and digital electronics systems.