How to regulate many pumps individually and simultaneously? SOLVED

We are willing to regulate ~100 stepper pumps individually, simultaneously. And this should be programmed and manipulated by one pc.

Would you suggest any controller which has that much channels? Do I need to customize my own board?

Is there a principle when choosing a power supply?

by Minsu
January 24, 2018

1 Answer

Answer by mikerogerswsm

I assume that your use of the word simultaneous is all running at once but not to the same clock cycle. I would use the PC to create pump address information and decode that information externally. This would require 7 PC pins and a 7 to 200 mux, assuming two lines per pump. This might be performed in logic, but with so many addresses would be better performed in a PLA. The power supply should supply the correct voltage, have sufficient current capability, be fold-back protected, not explode or catch fire, and provide sufficient mains isolation.

ACCEPTED +1 vote
by mikerogerswsm
January 25, 2018

Alternately, if using L298 type drivers you would need a 7 to 100 PLA to enable the motor drives but would need to buffer the stepper lines.

by mikerogerswsm
January 27, 2018

Another architecture might have the pumps arranged in groups of sixteen, with three bits of address decoded locally, either within the PC or near to it, and the remaining four decoded at group level. Signals would require buffering to avoid fan-out problems. The groups might be arranged in star fashion or as a daisy-chain, depending on buffer speeds.

by mikerogerswsm
January 27, 2018

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