Hi there I am using DRV8834 IC driver to run the 5v stepper motor. I've managed to run the 5v stepper motor using DRV8834 IC. But I've found we need 3 pins (Step, Direction and enable) to enable the device. The requirement is to reduce the pins to 2 (only for step and direction). If I don't use the enable pin then the driver and motor consume tiny power. Is there any idea you can help me with to use any MOSFET/any other idea/pulse stretcher to control the power consumption without using the enable pin? Please let me know if you guys got an idea. Your help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance. |
by dhinesh.ganesan
October 19, 2017 |
I would try using the step signal direct to 'enable' and delayed to 'step'. A suitable delay is a series R, C to ground, followed by a CMOS schmitt trigger. A more rigorous solution is to delay both signals but add diodes across the R so one has delayed 'up' and one a delayed 'down'. This would ensure the 'enable' is longer than each 'step'. |
+1 vote by mikerogerswsm October 19, 2017 |
Thanks for your help! and Let me check. |
+1 vote by dhinesh.ganesan October 19, 2017 |
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