New and Improved Custom Symbols

Jul 18 2013, 6:00 PM PDT · 2 comments »

Today we are happy to announce the release of a set of substantial improvements to the Custom Part symbol in CircuitLab. It is now easier and much more intuitive to create and edit Custom Symbols in CircuitLab to fit all your diagramming needs. Among the new features are the ability to add pin annotations, drag and drop multiple pins at once, and the ability to show pin numbers. Here's a quick demo of the new custom part.

All existing custom parts will be automagically upgraded to the new custom part when you load your circuit. As with all CircuitLab schematic elements, you can copy and paste your symbols within a schematic or between different browser tabs. Take a look at the documentation for more info on the new Custom Part.


I notice that the box that implied you could link a symbol to a model or subcircuit has disappeared.

Is the underlying hierarchical design / subcircuit support required for that feature going to implemented in the future?


by signality
July 22, 2013

Custom parts / sub circuits are absolutely essential but they need to be added to the components palette. We also need to "add graphics" to them, either a schematic tile, or an actual picture of the part. Our "parts" typically have properites like AnalogIN / DigitalOut (TTL/24V ) etc. I.e. they are sink or source of signals/PWM etc.

To be viable for us we need this ...

by JensMantex
October 22, 2019

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CircuitLab is an in-browser schematic capture and circuit simulation software tool to help you rapidly design and analyze analog and digital electronics systems.