Hi, I am new to electronics and would like to know if it is possable to combine the DC output from various sources? I have made a small wind generator, I have a solar panel and am thinking about building a water powered generator. Can I combine these into one output? |
by David382
August 17, 2017 |
You can combine the outputs but require safeguards. Easier perhaps to use diodes to select just the greatest of the three outputs. Just put a diode like 1N1001 in series with each to the common load. Hope this is helpful, mike. ps - suitable for milliamps up to 1A. |
by mikerogerswsm
August 23, 2017 |
I agree with Mike. More complex and effective solution I think to use DC-DC voltage boosters and these 1N4001 diodes to combine currents (and power). These modules can be bought on Ebay, made in china, very cheap. |
+1 vote by febb August 25, 2017 |
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