what does a transformer compensate for the increased voltage

by the law of conservation energy cannot be created or destroyed, after searching on google they said that it reduces current, but doesnt voltage create current and now im confused

by ani648
April 19, 2021

Energy is power times length of time. For an electrical system, since the elpased time is the same for the low voltage "side" and the high voltage side, the power has also to be the same on each side.

But then power is voltage times current, P = V I. So, for a high voltage, the current will be low, and for a low voltage, the current will be high, the product, though, of voltage by the current, will be the same.

If you consider that the voltage is a resistance times a current, then the power is the resistance times the SQUARE of the current: P = V I = (R I ) I = R I2.

by vanderghast
April 19, 2021

In a transformer, watts in = watts out (ignoring the normally low resistance) and this is consistent with conservation of energy. Now, as an example assume a transformer rated 100v primary, 10v secondary so it has a voltage ratio of 10/100=0.1.and a current ratio of 100/10=10. Now put a 1 ohm load on the 10v secondary and get a secondary current of 10/1=10 amps and this will require a primary current of 10/10 = 1 amp. The easy way to remember this is primary volts X amps = secondary volts X amps.. Google searches are all very well but it's wise to do a reality check on any thing you find there.

by Foxx
April 19, 2021

Voltage and amperage are inversely proportional. For example, multiply the voltage (volts) by 3, divide the current (amperage) by 3, and vice versa.

by N0LWW
April 24, 2021

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