Electrical Issues in Tractors

I am a owner of Tractor Company . I have Question regarding Electrical Issues in Tractors . What is the proper SOP to combat such Electrical Issues.

by ranaashfaq
June 14, 2020

That is a bit tricky, but here a real life story. Having a Torrent (a car from GM, not made anymore) with a problem with a fuse, even the GM Dealer had to download the technical manual for the car, of the given year, since all by himself, he could never remember all the possible fuses places of all the GM cars of all the years. So, basically, if you are in good terms with your tractor dealer, the best thing would be to get the technical book from him, with the motive that you may have to deal with an urgent repair of your tractor, eventually out of the business hours. And, indeed, if you can't find the solution all by yourself, you can explain that you will definitively get to him for additional help, and piece.

Otherwise, other than fuses and some capacitors, I fail to see what can be easily repaired without specialized tools. And also to remember is that some capacitors may be deadly if not properly handled (if more than 50V, and that, it is under dry environment).

by vanderghast
June 15, 2020

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