Wifi Wonderland question

Where I live I have a wifi usb for my computer. The cable tv appears to have an interchange with the computer or uses it for business. How do I send a wifi signal to my computer and use it as a surveillance camera? I know the code to access the direct tv dish when I'm on the net and loose connection, I find a wifi signal on a list and go to it to reconnect. Does the wifi transmitter downstairs capture a wifi camera signal and I can I pull it up to my monitor. If any of this is true, can you let me know. At least we know what I'm trying to do. How about wireless rc fpv camera hooked up to power? Then a receiver in my room about 80 feet and through one wall? Thanks for reading. Is it the usb wifi plug in my computer that can capture a wifi wireless camera?

by elkriverscott
August 25, 2020

There are surveillance camera supporting local wi-fi for less than 50$ on Banggood. Some have their own wi-fi router (80' + one wall is maybe too much for some of them, though) ready to supply a LOCAL connection (through IP addresses, in general; 80' is too much for Bluetooth ).

But if you need to access the camera from outside your home, then you quite probably need an access to Internet which will be used as an intermediate server between your home and your cellphone. Maybe your local internet supplier could help you with the specific details taking into account of your area.

by vanderghast
August 26, 2020

2 Answers

Answer by elkriverscott

Thank much. You make everything much easier to understand.

+1 vote
by elkriverscott
August 26, 2020

Answer by electrical_guyjjjjjjj

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by electrical_guyjjjjjjj
September 13, 2020

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