A/D conversion project

I'm trying to build a scheme of an audio signal trasmitted to a digital support with telephonic quality (3,4kHz and 8bit AD conversion). I actually can't figure out how to build it. Could someone help? Thanks

by lousops
June 05, 2020

The easiest way is probably to use a micro controller like an Arduino Uno or a MSP432 (both exceed the 8 bits requirements as well as the speed), or an IC that does just that.

To build the circuit itself, you have the choice of multiple technologies, but they require "precise" individual components (when not on a single common substrate to even share a common temperature). As example, you can sample the voltage with a known capacitor for a nanosecond, and then, disconnect the capacitor from the signal, and, with many comparators, determine the voltage stored by the capacitors, being less worried about the time it takes to perform that operation. Clearly preferable to use something already made, no?

by vanderghast
June 14, 2020

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