Designing an amplifier circuit

We wish to design an amplifier circuit for possibly audio signal amplification where the input small signal is fed from a microphone and the output is connected to a speaker. One important characteristic of a microphone is its output impedance. This is a measurement of the AC resistance looking back into the microphone. Generally, microphones can be divided into low (50–1,000 Ω), medium (5,000–15,000 Ω) and high (20,000+ Ω) impedance. The speaker has an impedance of 8Ω and power wattage of 0.5 watts. The amplifier design will employ BJT’s only as transistors. Most probably your amplifier will comprise of cascaded BJT’s in different configurations (common emitter, common base and common collector) so that the following requirements are met. a. Appropriate Voltage Gain with sufficient room for both positive and negative swings so that the audio signal is hearable. b. Current Gain according to power requirements at the output. c. Input output and intermediate Impedance Matching Since, the input signal has a bandwidth with lower cutoff frequency of 50 Hz. Therefore, there is need to perform a frequency analysis and design the values for the coupling and bypass capacitors so as to define low cutoff frequency. Give a detailed design in black and white based upon the concepts discussed in the class for amplifier design using transistors.

by alishbalis
May 26, 2023

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