battery voltage measurement while charging and in discharging condition

hi can anybody please help me , I am having an issue while measuring battery voltage as i am measuring battery state while

1) when It is in idle condition with no load and battery is also not charging and based on that voltage i start charging my battery and this is when the charging voltage appears at the battery nodes because of which i cant measure the actual battery voltage i also tried measuring the voltage by turning charging of for some delay and then measuring the battery voltage but the battery voltage does not directly rest to actual voltage there is some sort of delay

2) when the battery is fully charged i have to drive the load with that battery so here while driving the load the battery needs to be also monitored for decreasing voltage but here as soon as the load is connected to the battery the voltage drop appears at the battery and this affects the battery measurement

ps:- 1) lead acid battery is been used 2) voltage divider technique is used for measuring battery voltage

by shubhambari529
April 16, 2022

Perhaps you could expand a bit on why you have a problem or what your problem is. What you describe is normal operation for a battery and is usually not a problem

by Foxx
April 19, 2022

In addition, note that the discharge rate depends on the technology, the temperature, the current you pump from it, and for how long you do it. Many graphs available if you look for "Battery discharge" on the net, on particular, for a lead battery, take a look at Battery Discharge. Note that the time scale is logarithmic.

by vanderghast
April 22, 2022

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