SPST Parameter

I'm curious, is there a way to sweep a switch state parameter (SW1.STATE)? I've been able to add this parameter however I cannot seem to find values to sweep that represent the open and closed state. I also notice that SW1.STATE is not in the autocomplete for the parameter field. Does this mean it cannot be used?

by thawley09
July 25, 2012

I too am curious about this, anyone have an answer?

by GeorgeIoak
September 10, 2012

SWx.STATE does not exist as a directly editable parameter.

For a sort of a workaround, see this thread:


by signality
September 11, 2012

Thanks for pointing that out. That will do the trick. Would be nice if you could just control the switch with a state command so you don't have to wire up the voltage controlled switch.

by GeorgeIoak
September 11, 2012

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