Voltage Across Capacitor

Need help, I am a total newb and would immensely appreciate it!


by tylerram123
May 15, 2014

So I think you want the voltage across the capactor as a function of time. based on your values the time constant should be 190ms see. I ran a 'TimeDomain' simulation with start time = 0, stop time=1s, and a time step = .001. Also by selecting 'No' for 'Skip Initial' it will show the capactor charge as expected.

This is because (I think) the first time step solves the DC state of the circuit where the capactor is allready charged. Another way to avoid this would be to put a 'Time Controlled Switch'.

I also noticed that where your 'out' node is actualy isn't connected to a wire, the capactor connects one grid point up.

by Garrett
May 15, 2014

Thank you that helped a lot Garrett!

This is what my final circuit looks like-


And was wondering if that was any better?


by tylerram123
May 15, 2014

Unfortunately by editing the circuit you have overwritten the circuit that you wanted to show in your original post. Saving edits with new names helps prevent this and so keeps threads legible.

That aside, it is not clear what you are expecting your circuit to do.

At T=0, C1 is charged to 12V. Closing S1 makes no difference to this because the current through S1 when it closes has no effect on the voltage across the ideal source V2.

Hence the voltage across C1 never changes.

I suspect this is not the circuit that you really want to investigate.

You also need to be aware of these gotchas:





by signality
May 16, 2014

Sorry when I first stated yesterday my experience was next to nothing. Now that I have a better understanding of how to use CL I was able to better develop the circuit and that is what it is suppose to look like. I am taking my first intro level circuit analysis class and was wondering if the 15 volt source plays any influence after my switch closes and it goes to a steady state.

Thanks for the help and advice,


by tylerram123
May 16, 2014

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