Better Workbench Management Widgets

I couldn't find a Forum Search tool, so sorry if this is redundant, but:

I'm a newbie and I'm noticing, right away, that my workbench is becoming unwieldy. Here are some "Workbench Management Widgets" I would like to see (BTW: by "circuit", I mean those boxes on the workbench that contain a "circuit project"):

  • Delete widget. I save versions and variations as I work on a circuit. These quickly clutter up the workbench, so it would be great if there was a simple way to delete one or more of these. Perhaps a checkbox on each circuit with a "Delete checked" button.

  • Folder widget: i.e. some way to arrange and/or categorize the circuits, so they are easier to find -- i.e. so it's not just one long list.

  • Tagging widget: so one or more tags can be assigned to a circuit (this could be in lieu of folders, though having both has merit.

by ReverseEMF
December 04, 2012

Delete widget:

You can delete a circuit from it's project page but it is a bit clunky ... but then you don't want to be able to chuck away things too easily.

Folder widget:

Definitely needed but rather Labels a la Gmail please!


You mean some different sort of tagging from that already provided for each circuit (project page)?

As at the end of the:

Created by ...

Created ...

Last modified ...

Tags ...


by signality
December 04, 2012

Yeah, Labels a la Gmail! I vote for that (in fact, that's what I was thinking when I said "tags" -- got my terminology mixed up ;)

And, yes I do want to be able to chuck away things with ease -- if you must, interject with an "Are You Sure?" dialog.

I really don't want to have to go hunting for a way to delete things.

by ReverseEMF
December 04, 2012

Isn't it a bit overly-protective to force us to solve a CAPTCHA when deleting a circuit? And one of the worst implementations of CAPTCHA, too. A third of the time I can't make out the characters or the proper case, and I've even seen it throw characters at me with diacritical marks, fractions, greek letters, ligatures -- THAT'S NOT ON MY FRIGGIN' KEYBOARD!

by ReverseEMF
December 04, 2012

And, also, BECAUSE I save versions/variations I want a way to select several and delete them all at once -- not have to drill down into each one, delete it, and then find my way back, then drill down again...

Very tedious!

by ReverseEMF
December 05, 2012

Yup, I guessed that was what you were looking for a solution too.

Just wanted to prompt you to go into a bit more detail.


by signality
December 05, 2012

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