add duty cycle to voltage function generator

Please add "duty cycle" to voltage function generator

by ReverseEMF
January 06, 2013


Should the duty cycle affect just the squarewave function or should it have the effect of distorting the shape of sinusoids and tilting the sawtooth and triangle edges in a consistent way?

In the meanwhile ... have you seen this thread?


by signality
January 08, 2013

Another quick option is to use the piecewise-step notation -- see behavioral sources and expressions in the documentation.

  1. Create voltage source.
  2. Set voltage to "PWSREPEAT(0,5,10u,0,100u,0)"

This creates a 10kHz square wave source with 10% duty cycle, 5V when on and 0V when off.

by mrobbins
January 08, 2013

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