Allow ramping down in time domain analysis

Currently the ending value has to be more positive than the starting value. Maybe there's a way to do this now, but I haven't found it.


by pgoodwin1
April 21, 2015

That would imply reversing the arrow of time, i.e. running a transient anaylsis from the end back towards the beginning, so it would make no sense in a Time Domain sweep.

Are you sure that you don't mean in a DC Sweep?

That does make sense.


by signality
April 21, 2015

No. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. I'm talking about ramping voltage in a negative direction. Currently the ending voltage is required to be more positive than the starting voltage

by pgoodwin1
April 21, 2015

Sorry: don't understand.

What voltage?

Do you mean in a Voltage or a Current source?

Can you give an example?

In the meanwhile are you aware of the PWL() function?

by signality
April 21, 2015

Thanks for the tips on the PWL function. I haven't used it and forgot it was there.

I mistakenly labeled this forum topic. It should have been titled "Allow ramp down in DC sweep analysis". No wonder you didn't understand my request.

by pgoodwin1
April 22, 2015

A hah!

So you did mean a DC Sweep.

Here's a way to do a sweep in either direction:

Have fun playing with it!


by signality
April 22, 2015

Thanks. I see what's going on with the input. I haven't played around with much in CL other than some pretty basic fixed value stuff. I haven't set up any inputs with equations yet.

Thanks a lot. I will give it a shot.

by pgoodwin1
April 22, 2015

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