Smaller exported images

If it's up to me, the CircuitLab schematics can be somewhat smaller. See this example:

Can the schematics be scaled to a smaller size when it isn't a large circuit?

by camilstaps
February 28, 2013

If you export as .PNG then you can choose:

Desired PNG width? (pixels)

Others you can easily resize in Gimp etc., etc.,

by signality
February 28, 2013

Thanks and sorry. I'll explain why I asked this.

Recently a CircuitLab tool was added to the Electrical Engineering StackExchange. Some of the schematics are too large there because that tool doesn't have such an option. I asked a question about that here and it was suggested to ask it here as it looked to be a CircuitLab-wide feature-request.

Sorry again and thanks for your reply.

by camilstaps
February 28, 2013

My answer above is still valid.

Whoever is responsible for exporting the .png image and posting it on their embedded version of the imgur site, i.e:

needs to select the PNG width on CircuitLabs .PNG export option:

Desired PNG width? (pixels)

to reduce the size of the image before they upload it to imgur.

The link below the picture:

then opens the circuit:

directly in the CircuitLab Editor.

If the user then clicks on the title of the circuit in the top right of the editor window, they can then open the "home" page for the circuit:

If the images are the wrong size on the StackExchange site then it is the responsibility of whoever posts them there to understand how to use CL's tools. It is not the responsibility of CL.

Although it may seem that there might be a case for asking CL to make the default width for a PNG export to be < 1024, the problem then will be all those users who want the higher resolution default setting maybe because their circuits are more complex and a lower resolution renders them unreadable.


by signality
March 01, 2013

I understand that, but....

Why can't the tool calculate the width needed to make the exported image readable and small enough? It would be an enormous improvement to the user's experience, I think.

by camilstaps
March 08, 2013

But on the Electronics Meta weiy already says it's on the list for the next release :-)

by camilstaps
March 08, 2013

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