
What is needed to charge a 2.7v 120F x 6 pack with a small generator? A Constant current voltage buck booster module, high current booster what is your thoughts on this any suggestions or diagrams? What is it I need high current and voltages for s supercap charger with a generator? Jim

by jamesskews
April 29, 2019

You will have to give much better information to get an answer to this. Is it a 2.7v battery? If so what type? Lipo?, Lithium ion? etc. What is the 120F? This could be a 120 farad capacitor but I doubt such a thing exists. What sort of generator? AC? or DC? 120volt?, 12volt? or other voltage rating? kw rating? What is the "6 pack"? I buy beer by the 6 pack but I doubt this applies.

by Foxx
May 01, 2019

1 Answer

Answer by jamesskews

Sorry in my haste seem I missed a lot of information. First the capacitor I want to charge is a supercap 2.7 v 120F x6 ( power pak). The small generator puts out 16 v dc driven by a small 12v dc input. For some reason the supercapacitor will not accept the generator charge ( voltages) .Im trying different buck boost now constant current and voltage . Hope this helps.

+1 vote
by jamesskews
May 01, 2019

OK-- I'm getting better calibrated as to what you are doing and I didn't know capacitors came that size so we are now ready to do a bit of system engineering. Is the 6 pack 6 cells in parallel giving 720F 2.7v or 6 in series giving 120F 16.2v? In either case it should be charged with a current source supply, as the capacitor will look like a short circuit and would draw a very large current from a voltage source. The current source would also require a voltage limit to reduce the current when the capacitor is fully charged. The voltage setting would be the voltage to which you wished to charge the capacitor. Is the 2.7v (or 16.2v) the capacitor rating or the voltage to which you wish to charge the capacitor? If it is the rating you should stay safely below this. Have you thought about the technology to use? If I were doing it I would use one of the single board computers such as the Arduino UNO or perhaps the Adafruit Trinket. Both are very low cost, say $15--$20--$25 US and the software is very easy to do after a bit of study. Using this approach I think a neat and easily usable power source can be designed.

by Foxx
May 01, 2019

Thank you, Will look into trying your suggestions and try them,thank you so much. Jim

by jamesskews
May 01, 2019

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