The Difference between SR Schottky Diodes and SBD Schottky Diodes

Hello! When we look at our Schottky diodes, we notice that there are two types: Schottky rectifier diodes (SR Schottky diodes such as and Schottky barrier diodes (SBD Schottky diodes such as What makes these two Schottky diodes so different? Another issue is that most Schottky diodes have a junction capacitance of 400 to 500pF, according to my research. Many rectifier diodes have a lower junction capacitance. Is this typical? Will such a high junction capacitance lower the cut-off frequency to the point that, even if the Schottky diode's reverse recovery time is ignored, the high-frequency characteristics are still poor due to the big junction capacitance? Good listening! KA.

March 01, 2022

First, I am not an expert in diodes.

To reach the supplied urls, we have to remove the terminal parenthesis. Here what should do: PMEG3010CEH and PMEG5050EP.

Note 1: they are both called barrier rectifier, but the first one is "very low Vf" while the second one is simple "low Vf".

Note 2: their capacitance is dependent of the reverse voltage. (Figure 3 for the first one, Figure 6 for the second one.)

Note 3: the allowed power dissipation seems to be the major difference between the two.

by vanderghast
March 02, 2022

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