how to make a speaker say a voice line

so, easy and quick, i hope. i want a speaker to say a recorded voice line, that i would be downloaded, after the press of a button. how can i do this?

i'd like to use a normally closed switch so the system activate when my door open, batteries at power supply and a normal speaker. if possible, i thought of maybe adding leds band turn on at the same time but this is a bit overkill. taking any ideas. i can buy a lot of pieces, even online.


by OilyChubk6
July 19, 2021

There are many examples about how to play sounds on an Arduino, from producing a sequence of notes to play wav or mp3, on Internet. And about detecting the door opening, the time of the day, the day of the week, etc,, a a solution around an Arduino (compatible or a genuine one) or other MCU is definitvely an option that I would look for, in this case.

by vanderghast
July 20, 2021

ok, so you are saying thaat an aduino would be just enought and then watch tuto on yt and i'll be good? if so, thx

by OilyChubk6
July 20, 2021

Indeed. I won't say that you would not have other questions about a detail or two, but basically, you should be able to do a lot of milleage with an Arduino ( or compatible).

by vanderghast
July 20, 2021

Alright, thx alot

by OilyChubk6
July 20, 2021

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