how to make a collapsing circuit SOLVED

i am making a fake "cut the blue wire" scenario for my sons birthday. He thinks that army and SWAT guys are the coolest. As far as i can find, making it is not out of my ability, I just don't know the components i need. I have a linear actuator I have set up to a CO2 cartridge to spray baby powder every where when he cuts the wrong wire or really any wire if i can (let's be honest, it will be funnier to make a mess than actually win in this one. i have 12v power source. I just can't find a diagram that tells me how to solder the wiring or transistors or whatever i need to make this happen. i just want to give him something cool to do.

also, anyone know a good youtube series or anything so i can start teaching my self wiring and circuitry. I feel like the more i can do or learn and find ways to make it interesting to him will be a win.

by goofoff5
November 12, 2021

1 Answer

Answer by vanderghast

This circuit requires only 4 components for the "3 exposed wires" thing. Replace the lamp by a relevant circuit, such as throwing confetti from an air pump, as required.

ACCEPTED +1 vote
by vanderghast
November 13, 2021

This is perfect. Thank you

by goofoff5
November 14, 2021

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