How does this strain gauge load cell work?

I have a 2kN load cell. I took it apart to try and understanding how the wires connect to the strain gauge and how the load is read on the serial pad.

I am curious how the loads are read on the strain gauge. There are 4 strain gauges on the base and it appears there are strain gauges on the side as well.

Can anyone help explain how this works?

Also, is there a way I can add pictures to help explain what I am talking about?

by meaghanmacquarrie
February 26, 2019

1 Answer

Answer by Foxx

1/ A single strain gauge is simply a thin plastic base with a conductor fastened to it in a zig zag pattern arranged so that when the base is stretched the conductor is stretched. This changes the conductor resistance. 2/ In a load cell 4 strain gauges are glued to the metal (usually aluminum) load cell base at the parts which are stretched or compressed under load and so the strain gauge resistance is increased or decreased under load. 3/ The 4 strain gauges are connected in a Wheatstone bridge configuration (Google or Wickipedia "Wheatstone Bridge" for a deeper analysis of this). 4/ The bridge is supplied with a stable voltage at the excitation input and generates a very small voltage at the signal output which must be amplified and this amplified voltage goes to an A/D converter. 5/ Take a look at " " for a more detailed description of the strain gauge amplifier.

+1 vote
by Foxx
February 26, 2019

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