Very basic question

I’m a novice, know very little about electronics, so here goes..

I’ll soon be installing a new head unit in my car, one with Apple CarPlay that charges your phone as you use it.

The USB output (USB Type A) for the new head unit is 1.5 amps.

How can I tell if this will be enough to safely: - charge an iPhone XR using a standard Apple lightning cable - power a separate fan that runs at 2.5 watts

Assuming I buy the proper USB splitter (ie one that splits into a data connection for the phone and a separate power-only connection for the fan), would this work? Or would it be too much draw on the head unit and blow a fuse or something?

Here are all the products in question if that helps: - Head unit: either Pioneer AVH-1550NEX or Kenwood DDX6706S - both rated at 1.5 amps as far as I can tell - fan: iKross USB Fan USB Mini Desktop Office Fan with 360 Rotation - Black for PC Computer Laptop Chromebook Ultrabook - iphone XR

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

by Newbie2006
January 22, 2021

It can take up to 2.75W (2.50W on average), so, over 5V, it takes a current of 2.75 W / 5 V = 0.55A. Your iPhone may not charge as fast, or not charge at all, but since your power unit can deliver up to 1.5A, the fan should turn on. Note that a user mentions that plugged with its Mac, neither of the two work (from a standard Apple USB cable).

by vanderghast
January 23, 2021

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