IoT based smart meter

Hello, I am currently doing my final year project entitled "IOT Based Smart Energy Meter for Efficient Energy Utilization in Smart Grid". I was required to design a circuit diagram simulation. I want to ask 1. Does Proteus, Arduino UNO, and Arduino IDE are the only software to do this IOT based simulation circuit? 2. If the answer is no, which free software I can use to design the simulation? 3. If the answer is yes, is it a must to buy a real component for example ESP 8266 wifi module to connect to my pc, so that it can be run successfully? 4. I have created a schematic simulation diagram using Proteus, Arduino UNO and Arduino IDE without having the real circuit component. However there is nothing display when I run the simulation, does anyone experienced this problem before? Remark: the code (.hex file) generated using Arduino IDE that I put in the Arduino UNO is a blank file, because I cannot get the .hex file when I use the esp8266 code. Thank you

by yinlai
October 11, 2021

The question is not clear to me.

The Wikipedia page for Proteus enumerates many other MCU, such as the Piccolo series from Texas Instruments, and Raspberries. (I have no experience with Proteus).

It is not clear if you are looking for monitoring the power consumption of a circuit or the power consumption of the MCU. In the last case, for TI, they have free software (CCS, Code Composer Studio), you can download it for free from their web site, which monitors the power used by the MCU (even in sleeping mode as well as in fully running features), as well as debugging the running code and external events and live memory and registers (step by step or reaching a watch point). The prototyping boards come fully configured to run in some way without having to add external components (well, once batteries/usb connected port are connected).

by vanderghast
October 13, 2021

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