Simulation/Analysis is taking too long SOLVED

I try and run my simulation but it tells me I have to wait over 5,000 hours. Does anyone know how to speed it up or get rid of some time?

Here is the circuit:

by seniordesign
February 25, 2013

You have several circuit errors.

1) L1.nA (the top end) is shorted to ground via the ground connections to C10 & C11.

2) R21 has little or no effect as a pullup because CLK1 gives a fixed 0V to 5V output from a 10R source:

3) OR1 gives a 0V to 5V output. That means that M1 is permanently on because it's gate never sees less than -7V with respect to it's source. You need to make OR1 an NOR and add anothe stage of 5V to 12V level shift (a common emitter or common source stage) to give M1 a 0V to 12V gate drive.

4) For the purposes of your simulation, you only need one 12V supply.

You also have unsuitable values in your simulation. You'll need to address this only after you have fixed the circuit errors.

Your Time Step is only one tenth of the overall simulation time (Stop Time). However your Stop Time is long at 1s. Your circuit may have fast internal signal swings or may even be oscillating. You need a shorter Time Step. See Description in:

by signality
February 26, 2013

Hey thanks for responding.

So you're saying to get rid of all the logic and add a 12V supply right before R22?

Also I tried to access the second link you posted and it said page not found.

by seniordesign
February 26, 2013

"So you're saying to get rid of all the logic and add a 12V supply right before R22?"

Er, no.

You can if you want but that's not what I was talking about.

It would very much simplify things if you just connected the gate of M3 to a 12V source (V3) and then run a sim with V3 as a second parameter stepped at 0V and then 12V.

Or set V3 to be a 0V to 12V square wave source and watch a longer sim to see how the circuit behaves switching between the two states.

But you have to fix the other problems first.


Typo, sorry:

by signality
February 26, 2013

This is what I ended up with. Still says about 30 mins. But its much better than 3000 hours. Please let me know if you think I should make any improvements. I bring the time stop down to 10ms and the time step to 1ms

by seniordesign
February 26, 2013

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