Transformer Problem SOLVED


Three transforners with a phase difference of 120° each. Input Voltage and output voltage of transformer 1 is equal, therefore correct. Output voltage of transformers 2 and 3 is incorrect. Run Time-Domain Simulation and watch output voltage.

Anybody knows the problem or has a solution?

by JackT
May 20, 2013

The waveforms are correct.

On XFMR2 and XFMR3, what you are seeing is the effect of driving a varying voltage across an inductor starting from a non-zero initial voltage (and hence primary current). Plot the currents through V1, V2 and V3 to see what their initial current conditions are.

You either need to let the sim run for much longer to allow the initial startup transients in the two primary inductances driven by the non-zero phase voltage sources to settle out or tick the Skip Initial tick box.


by signality
May 20, 2013

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