Analog comparator 3.3V?

The only comaprator in the library seams to be a 5V part. Is there a way to change the comparator parameters? Thanks.

by ss
January 18, 2013

The CL CMP block has no editable parameters.

You could connect the CMP block output to a voltage controlled voltage source with a scaling factor of 3.3/5. That would multiply the 0V to 5V o/p swing by 3.3/5 so giving a 0v to 3.3V o/p swing.

Or use a behaviour voltage source to do the same thing.

Or connect the o/p of the CMP block to a voltage controlled switch to make an open collector/drain type of output then use a pullup resistor to 3.3V.

Or :

by signality
January 18, 2013

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