Help with First Design- Designing linked Solar Panels getting proper Volt/amp output readings

Hey Everyone, I just found this site and its exactly what I was looking for. I have built a solar powered charger and I am looking to draw out the electronics of it, this way I can get someone to build it for me.

I added a bunch of voltage sources together and pressed the simulator but i cant seem to get the simulator to just tell me the simple Volts and Amps that are coming out once i connect the voltage sources. Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong. It just says "unable to solve" after i select a point.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks


by pmvinuelas
October 28, 2013

Hi @pmvinuelas,

I suggest you post a public circuit of what you are having trouble with. That will help others jump in and help you once we can see where you are going wrong.


by hevans
October 28, 2013


Yeh I probably should have figured that out...

Please see the link below. My actual prototype has no resistors, just 12 panels (2 sets of 6 in series) and the 2 sets in parrallel.

Each panel produces 1.5W (6v .21amps)

Any help is greatly appreciated, this is the first time I am attempting to draw what I built.

by pmvinuelas
October 28, 2013


In the same way it is can be dangerous to try to connect two batteries in parallel with no resistors between them, in a simulator, you cannot connect two ideal (zero source resistance) voltage sources in parallel. Even if they are the same voltage.

If there is any imbabalnce in the voltages then the current flow between them is infinite so the simulator maths blows up. This situation of parallel voltage sources (and for a similar reason ideal current sources in series) is sanity checked and flagged as an error in any simulator. Even if they are the same voltage (current).

So, that's why your sim fails.

However, your representation of PV panels is incorrect.

Basically a PV cell is a diode in parallel with a current source. See:

for an example and a link to more information on how to model PV cells and panels.

by signality
October 29, 2013

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