Van der Pol

Hello, I'm a student from France and i make a work on the oscilliator of Van der Pol. I found an electrical circuit on this website: pages 20-25. So i built this circuit on CircuitLab but in this circuit, there is no voltage source just the ampliop which can bring voltage. Which ampli i have to use? and how does it work? Thanks for your response and sorry for my poor english. Sincerely.

by cheakyjojo
April 04, 2013

Do you have a link to your circuit? You'll have to make it public.

by hondabones
April 04, 2013

by cheakyjojo
April 04, 2013

The TL082 operates off of + and - 18V DC I think. Your input source is injected at OA7 negative input pin. I tried to study the Van Der Pol oscillator and I can't quite understand it.

by hondabones
April 04, 2013


Welcome to CL.

Well done! You almost got the whole thing right first time.

There were some wrong values and a couple of tricks needed to be added to make it play nicely with CL.

Try this:


" Your input source is injected at OA7 negative input pin."

Not true.

It's an oscillator. Inject noise anywhere in the loop and it will start.

Search CL for

initial conditions


Search also for:

time steps

by signality
April 05, 2013

@signality I agree, generally I see it started there.

by hondabones
April 05, 2013

Thanks for your help. But,I just have to sweep R7 for 1700Ohm to 4700. I didn't understand the section sweep parameters in time domain but now i do!

by cheakyjojo
April 05, 2013

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