Component Request: connected/unconnected wires

Is there any way to indicate that two wires do no connect when they cross, something like this:

by dob
March 17, 2012

Right now, we always do a little semicircle "hop" (as shown in 1B in your linked image) when wires cross but don't connect.

We are considering adding dots at some (connecting) intersections (like 2A) to improve clarity, but we're also trying to keep the schematics visually clean and "good looking", so we're taking time to try to get that right. There are plenty of schematic tools that produce "ugly" schematics, and we'd rather not join that party!

by mrobbins
March 17, 2012

FWIW I prefer your existing method.

by Neon22
March 20, 2012

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