PCB Layout, BOMs, Board Ordering

Other tools, while built for different motivations allow users to do PCB layout and define orderable BOMs.

http://www. http://www.digikey.com/us/en/mkt/scheme-it.html

It would be great to see Circuit Lab attempt to remain competitive. Of course you can argue tools have certain strengths and limitations. The problem is for an EDA tool to truly deliver value, it needs to be a one tool solution. It doesn't save much time to switch between tools so often.

by nmeryash
March 05, 2013


This is one of the things that keep me away from using it more often. Other reasons are:

1 - MCU (PIC, AVR, etc) simulation 2 - Animation for LEDs, Switches and etc

by brunobasto
January 29, 2015



by signality
January 29, 2015

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