problem with sd card video door phone

hi I'm working on the code of a video door phone and I'm trying to improve it. with 16 GB SD card the pictures that the camera takes can be seen on the LCD but when I connect the SD card to PC using a SD card adapter it shows nothing is in the drive. with 2 GB SD cards it only shows the last taken picture and when I click to see the next photo a black page appears. the core microcontroller is a M8051W named BIT1802 i used standard commands provided by spec sheets for MMC and SDSC . can someone give me a hint about what the problem might be ?

by salar1991
March 08, 2022

It is quite probable that the picture is saved under a fix name for the file instead of a sequential name ( a name based on the date and time, to the second, as example). So, if a new picture is captured, it is written over the previous one. If that is the problem, you should see one and only one file in the directory of the SD card (dir star-dot-star under Windows Command interface, or the ls command, under Linux). To correct this, you need to access the program, or the driver, of the camera system so that the file name is modified for a unique name different for each picture taken by the system.

by vanderghast
March 08, 2022

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