Advice on modding an original 1.0 Xbox error 07

I've tried everything to get it working. It has an error 07. And the hard drive is completely dead and making the clicking noise. I bought it used for $12 from my local used game store because he doesn't fix broken consoles. Replacing the IDE cable. Thoroughly cleaning the motherboard Replacing the disc drive Setting it from master to cable select. It just won't work. I can't access the menu after the error message, and everyone I ask on reddit or ifixit tells me how to do it on a console that can actually access the main menu. I also tried asking a couple electronic specialists online and they basically said "nope, sorry can't help. It's illegal. One even said I was running a shady business by selling modded consoles but I don't even sell any modded consoles. The only way I know how to fix it is to buy a new motherboard/hard drive pair but I'm a waitress and can't afford to spend $70 on this console. So I'm asking, begging really, for help modding this so all I have to do is replace the drive.

by PanicMode98
November 28, 2020

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