Smallest solar electric fence energiser – For reforestation projects

Hi all,

I’m looking to develop the simplest/cheapest possible electric fence energiser that can run on a small solar cell, and charge an active wire of just 1 to 4m in length. The application is to protect individual trees in reforestation projects, where cows and other creatures can take a very destructive interest. To be able to deploy a single unit for each tree, would avoid the costs of wiring and/or fencing that can be prohibitive to install and maintain. If the cost could come down to $5/unit in production, it’d be a very feasible product.

Normally, an energiser delivers a pulse of maybe 3-4000V, approx once per second, to energise the active wire. It uses an earth spike to allow the circuit to be completed when the intruder touches the active, gets a shock and hopefully runs away.

What I don’t know at this stage is what size of pulse is required (in joules) to be effective. If a prototype allowed pulse size and frequency to be varied, then those parameters can be tested and set for production.

There are many cheap solar garden lights on the market, which have small panel and batteries integrated; I’m thinking that this kind of basic product could be adapted to include the high-voltage circuitry, to do this job.

Any advice most welcome!

Thanks, Paul

by pwilson75
May 23, 2021

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