How to simulate a NiMH battery

I am trying to design a trickle charger for AA NiMH batteries and it seems like the batteries that I can add to my circuit in Citcuit Lab can only provide voltage not accept or show charge. Is there a way to have them work like real batteries, or is there a workaround to simulate a battery being charged?

by borgar
June 27, 2023

A CSV source may be used for SOME simulations if you deal with a known (and fixed) curve that you digitalized. You possibly want more than that though. But just in case your need is a simple case, that may do the job.

by vanderghast
June 29, 2023

To simulate a NiMH battery, you can use a programmable DC electronic load or battery simulator. Here are the general steps to simulate a NiMH battery: 1. Set the voltage and current limits: NiMH batteries typically have a nominal voltage of 1.2 volts per cell, so you'll need to set the DC electronic load or battery simulator to output the appropriate voltage. The current limit will depend on the capacity of the NiMH battery you want to simulate. 2. Set the discharge profile: NiMH batteries have a different discharge profile than other battery chemistries, so you'll need to set the discharge profile on your DC electronic load or battery simulator to match the characteristics of a NiMH battery. This may involve setting a constant current or constant power discharge profile, depending on the NiMH battery you want to simulate. 3. Monitor the battery simulator: As you discharge the battery simulator, you should monitor the voltage and current to ensure that it matches the expected discharge profile of a NiMH battery. You may also want to monitor the temperature of the battery simulator to ensure that it doesn't overheat during the discharge. 4. Repeat the discharge cycles: To simulate a NiMH battery accurately, you should repeat the discharge cycles multiple times to simulate the typical usage patterns of a NiMH battery. This will provide a more accurate representation of the battery's performance and lifespan. It's worth noting that simulating a NiMH battery can be a complex process that requires specialized equipment and knowledge. If you're not familiar with battery simulation or electronic loads, you may want to consult a professional or seek out additional resources to help with the process. Candy Crush

by lauryfriese
July 25, 2023

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