How do i know the specifications for a thermistor tagged 050

I couldn't find any datasheet for a thermistor tagged only as 050 except for NTC thermistors. I think my old thermistor is defective as it gives short circuit when measured by multimeter. I want to replace this thermistor

by EngrSherif
April 25, 2022

A marking often used is that the last digit is the exponent of 10 so that the ohmic value at the given reference temperature (25C) is the product of that value and the number made of the two first digits. Here, 050 leads to 05 * 100 that would be $$5 \Omega$$ (Unusual to me, since the lowest one I found is 100 ohm. But that 5 ohm resistance may be considered a short by some continuity test.)

by vanderghast
April 25, 2022

That low value of 5 ohm would be more frequent for a PTC type.

by vanderghast
April 25, 2022

But i found data sheet for NTC thermistors containing list of numbers including 050, preceded by TTC, so its part number in the datasheet is TTC-050. It says that zero power resistance at 25 celcius is 50 ohms not 5 ohms. That's why i considedrd it defective when it gave short circuit reading by multimeter. Do you have any explanation for this? You can find the datasheet at page 9 the following link :

by EngrSherif
April 25, 2022

Murata and VIshay use the marking as I described ( 2001 implies 2kohm and 5003 implies 500kohm ).

Accordingly, to Mouser, you can have NTC Thermistors, for as low as 1 ohm, things that is news to me. I cannot find TKS, neither VOLTTS at I have no access to (to me, it is redirected to

Now, if you can drop the temperature of the component at 0C (freezing gaz from a spray can, or in a freezer for a while) and if you still read 0 ohm as resistance, definitively, the component is broken (or not a conventional NTC Thermistor). But that won't help us to find a replacement.

by vanderghast
April 25, 2022

I'll try that. Thanks a lot

by EngrSherif
April 25, 2022

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