simulate battery?

Can I simulate a battery being charged up? I want to look at battery charging circuits, especially for 12v lead acid batterys. Thanks

by paystreak
March 15, 2021

I think you haven't received much action on this because the people up to speed in battery chemistry are not much into electronics and vice versa. Take a look at it has a lot of information on batteries. Charging protocols are different for different chemistries. For a lead acid battery the high end (expensive) chargers, starting from a dead battery charge at constant high current and the voltage slowly rises. At a preset voltage level the charger changes to constant voltage and the current slowly falls and at a low current level the charger changes back to constant low current (the "trickle charge") just to keep the battery fully charged in the long term. As far as I know the other chemistries (lipo, nickel/iron/alkali, carbon/zinc etc) have their own protocols. Faced with the problem of designing a charging regulator and lacking anything better I would simulated the battery by a VERY large capacitor with a small series resistor and a large parallel resistor. The details on sizes, etc would have to come from the reference I gave. But this is just a first pass at a design so good luck.

by Foxx
March 25, 2021

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