PCB schematic for dual stepper motor control

I'm trying to make my first schematic for a PCB that would sit atop an RPI and allow for control of two stepper motors. I have an LM2576 to take 12v from the motor supply and step it down to 5v for the RPI, and I took the schematic from Pololu's DRV8225 as the driver for the motors.

I did however modify a couple of things, such as add a single capacitor to act as voltage spike protection for both the LM2576 and the two DRV8225 ics. I also tethered reset and sleep to 5v on the board, and enable as I would want to keep the driver running so long as the board is on.

I am just very worried that if I order the PCB there's no turning back, so I want to make sure I have everything right before I start. My biggest ask is that on Pololu's schematic for the DRV8225, they have this circuit separate from the ic off to the side, I assumed that if it changed the power supply, I would only need one per board despite having two of the driver ics.

Here is my schematic so far, which i have designed in easy eda


by ProbablyHuman
January 13, 2021

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