Feature request: pin numbers

I require students in my class to put pin numbers on their schematics, so that they can create correct net lists for wiring their circuits without having to go back to the data sheet all the time. But the Text tool is very inconvenient for this, as many clicks are needed for each pin number. It would be handy if every device (but especially op amps and digital parts) had optional pin-number fields in the parameters.

For op amps, it would be even more convenient if some of the standard pin-number mappings (3,2,1) or (5,6,7) for (in+,in-,out) were available with a single click. I realize that may be more difficult since common amplifiers come in many different packages (the MCP6001 has 3 different completely incompatible pinouts).

But even if all the pin numbers have to be entered manually, it would still be MUCH faster than the rather awkward text tool.

by karplus
February 24, 2013

Yes, I'm asking my students to generate netlists by hand for two or three assignments. It would take them much longer to learn to use the tools you mention than to do the netlists by hand. They are taking what is probably the only electronics course of their lives, so I have to make everything they do immediately useful—not preparation for eventually being able to do something more sophisticated.

by karplus
February 24, 2013

Fair enough.

Though I'm can quite see the point of taking your students to the point where they draw a circuit, create a netlist for it and then say "Stop here; That's as far as we go."

Do you expect at least some of your students to take this further?

If not why teach them this far? Generating a netlist on it's own is not really very useful.

Just puzzled.

by signality
February 25, 2013

They don't stop with the netlist. They use the netlist to wire and solder the circuit on a prototyping board and test it. I don't have them do netlists until they have to do the soldering projects, since they can debug the breadboarded circuits even if they have been sloppy with their schematics.

For far more info than you want to see about the course, consult my blog: http://gasstationwithoutpumps.wordpress.com/circuits-course-table-of-contents/

by karplus
February 25, 2013


I haven't figured out from your blog what demographic your course is aimed at but I get the general idea.

by signality
February 26, 2013

The course is primarily intended for 2 groups of students: bioengineers who will take it as their only electronics course, and bioengineers who plan to go on into bioelectronics. Additionally, I'd like to pick up a few students who want to become electronics hobbyists. It is not intended for EE majors, as it does not spend weeks on Thévenin equivalents and mesh equations, which the EE professors feel is an essential hazing ritual.

by karplus
February 26, 2013

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