Simple switch operation?

I just found this site via google. It looks outstanding. I've spent the last 30 minutes trying to figure out how to simply turn a switch on or off based on some timing. I'm pretty frustrated.

All I want to do is this:

Two SPST switches are in an initial state. One is open, the other is closed. I want to wait a short time, then make the closed one go open, then wait about 1uS, then make the open one go closed, and see what happens.. but I can't figure out how to do that.

There is a Time Controlled Switch, but I can't figure out how to make it work. I think I figured out how to make it turn on after the specified time, but how do I make it turn back off after a different time?

I tried the Voltage Controlled Switch and tried to operate it with a Digital Clock part (which did result in having the switch fed 5 V on and off) but the switch appeared to be closed at all times regardless of the clock.

This is an absolutely beautifully simple designed system and site you have here - something to really be happy about, but not having the ability to do the simplest of operations makes it useless.

I found some obscure note in my digging here about making a voltage source change over time, but the "algebra" suggested seemed incredibly complicated.


by kjav
March 14, 2013

Hi kjav,

For examples and strange findings please see:

Regards, Sancho

by Sancho_P
March 14, 2013

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