Bug Report: Not, but …

… inappropriate text (may be only my feeling):

When I follow a link which was posted by a user in the forums (see @kjonson: https://www.circuitlab.com/forums/support/topic/4eqt8q32/voltage-calculations/ ) and find the following CL statement:

“Error 403: Forbidden”

“Hey buddy... whatcha lookin' for? Looks to me like you aren't supposed to be pokin' around here.”

… At this level my reply would be:

“Hey buddy … when you want to see an ***: Just look for a mirror.”

(Sorry, that’s me ;-) )

Regards, Sancho

by Sancho_P
March 14, 2013

Sorry for my deleting the circuit, i didn't figure out how to delete the forum posting. The actual circuit was just 3 capacitors in series, and i was foolish to ignore ohms.

by kjonson
March 16, 2013

@kjonson: Nope, sorry - the problem IS NOT the broken link - not at all. These things can happen at any time, for several reasons, therefor the system has the “403 - forbidden” to react as a standard reply.

Thanks for explaining the reason in your case.

The problem is CL’s associated message text, it’s like Sancho_P wrote it, not a professional, thus my bluff response with the mirror ;-)

CL must not assume someone is snooping around if a 403 occurs, it may be their own fault (withdrawing access rights instead of deleting?).

E.g. “Sorry, the requested page / circuit may have been deleted” would be better.

“403 - forbidden” says it all to those who are snooping.

Regards, Sancho

by Sancho_P
March 17, 2013

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